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Sunday, July 10, 2016

How to Become a Millionaire in 27 Days! RIF 49

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The visual tail you see trailing from a comet has nothing to do with its direction of travel. It's actually because solar winds push on its surrounding gasses, so that it alwayspoints away from the Sun. A traffic jam once lasted for more than 10 days, with cars only moving 0. 6 miles a day. If you could convert the mass in a one-kilogram bag of sugar into energy, it would be enoughto drive a car non-stop for 100,000 years. People who feel lonely tend to wake up more frequently throughout the night whilst sleeping. Monty Python's film Life of Brian was marketed in Sweden as 'The film that's so funny, itwas banned in Norway. 'Woolly Mammoths were still around when the Egyptian Pyramids were being built. An Olympic rower named Henry Pearce once won a race even though he stopped along the wayto let some ducks pass by. Everyone has a unique smell except for identical twins. Asking someone "where are you" is a recent phenomena.  Before we had mobile phone, theonly way we could talk to people is if we already knew where they were. If you touch your tongue whilst yawning it can stop the yawn. If you start with 1 penny and doubled your money every day, it would only take 27 daysto become a millionaire. In the entire state of Ohio in 1895, there were only two cars on the road, and they crashedinto each other. Dr.  Suess wrote "Green Eggs and Ham" to win a bet against his publisher who thought thathe could not complete a book using only 50 words. If you were to remove all of the empty space from the atoms that make up every human onEarth, the entire world's population could fit inside an apple. In 1367, King Charles V of France explicitly banned the wearing of shoes shaped like penises. Sloths sometimes mistakenly grab their own arm instead of a tree branch with can leadto a fatal fall.

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