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Sunday, July 10, 2016

Leadership - How to Become an Effective Leader

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Hi I'm Drew Canoleand welcome to another Mindset Monday, remember we're in this together. If you're ever inthe San Diego area FitLifer, I want to invite you to work out or have a green drink withone of the people in our team, we've a group of compassionate people that are transformingmillions of people's lives, we want to invite you to hang out with us. A young man recentlycame to me and he was looking for advice, he told me he wanted to be a leader, inspirationalspeaker, somebody that people looked up to, today I want to take the opportunity to sharewith you guys what I've learned throughout the years in leadership I want to give youthree tools to become a better leader right here, right now. Tool number one, lead fromthe front, number two is to serve, and number three is to encourage. Number one leadingfrom the front, what does that mean? Well, I'm going to talk specifically about protectingyour followers. As a true leader, one finds himself in the front line, all of the time,oftentimes we have this misconception that the leader is just up there for visibility,he's not really doing anything, you have to lead from the front, you have to protect yourfollowers. A little story I liked about Gandhi, a mother brought her son to Gandhi and askedGandhi to tell her son not to eat sugar, Gandhi agreed and said 'okay, bring him back in twoweeks' so in two weeks the mother agreed, brought her son back in two weeks, and Gandhisaid 'alright son, stop eating sugar, sugar's bad for you' and the son and mother went home,the son gave up sugar right away, she was puzzled so she went back to Gandhi and said'Gandhi, my son stopped, why didn't you just tell him in the beginning to stop eating sugar?'Gandhi said, 'well in order for me to tell somebody to stop doing something, I had tostop doing something. You see leadership is all about being congruent; a true leader iscongruent in all of their teachings, if I'm going to teach you how to be physically fitFitlifer, how to be emotionally in charge, how to be spiritually grounded, I better bedemonstrating it in my own life. Number two is to serve, as a true leader, it's importantto serve those around you, especially when it comes to a trivial task; the true leaderserves in the background, it does things people don't normally see. As a leader, I alwaysask myself, who can I serve today, actually I have an alert on my cell phone that popsup every seven o' clock in the morning and if you're part of the Fitlife team you know,that it pops up and it says who am I going to serve today, who can I help, and it popsup it reminds me that I'm here on this mission, it reminds me that I'm here to encourage,to inspire, and to motivate people to make life-changing situations. Number three, let'stalk about encouraging, as a true leader it's important to encourage those around you, peopleneed to be praised when they're doing well, when followers, or fans are struggling, theleader is there to encourage to strive better. Also if there's ever a communication breakdown,the communication has to be open for the team member that is struggling on holding on toa project. You see, I've seen many projects go down in flames because somebody was embarrassedto simply say, you know Drew I've been struggling with this, I'm not able to do this, can youcome in here and help me with this, then it's as easy as delegating it to somebody elsewho has the tools and technologies to get it done right away. So let's recap about this,number one was leading from the front, number two was to serve when it seems like a trivialtask, and number three was to encourage. If you like this video, content FitLifer, pleasegive it a big 'ol thumbs up, leave a comment below, and better yet, leave a video response,we absolutely love video responses, I get tired up here being in front of you all thetime, and that sometimes we like watching your videos most of the time actually, soleave a video response. Let's talk about who won the book last week, this week's book isthe Twenty One Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. John Maxwell has writtena ton of really really good books, this is one of my favorites, it's something that youcan implement, I would recommend going through it over the next twenty one days, John Maxwell'sbook is going out to Braven Corby, Braven congratulations, hopefully I see you one dayup here as an inspirational speaker and leader doing your thing my friend. I'm Drew Canole,as always, remember we're in this together, and I'll see you next week.

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